Life in Italy in lock down coronavirus in Italy

Life in Italy in lock down coronavirus in Italy
My journey to Italian citizenship
The countdown is on…only 5 days until Christmas! If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet you better get to it. For much of the Christian world that means joining the hordes of last minute shoppers as they brace to face long lineups at their local shopping mall. Oh, the hustle, the bustle, the canned …
I owe a lot to olive oil. It’s nourished my body, my soul and not least of which, prevented me from having stretch marks when I was pregnant. At least that’s what my tiny, powerhouse of an Italian Grandmother, Carmela promised all the women in the family it would do if we faithfully rubbed the …
Few things give me greater satisfaction than a mind blowing room makeover. I am besotted by ‘before and afters’. Hooked by the much-anticipated ‘reveal’. Driven by a desire to hit the Italian version of a Home Sense store and fill my cart with delectable accessories, carefully color coordinated to make me swoon. I admit it. …
def: expat /ɛksˈpat/ a person who lives outside their native country To be defined as an expat is to be set apart – to be considered separate from the native people of your adopted culture. It’s a word that’s meant to divide not unite. And for this reason, it’s not a label I’ve ever been …
Italians like to talk – a lot In Italy, there is no such thing as a silent ride home, walking into a quiet bar or hoping to have a moment to yourself if you’re sitting in a piazza with your morning café. It won’t happen. Well, maybe if you are in a major city like …
For whom the bell tolls They toll for me. And for everyone in this amazingly well preserved hilltop town that time forgot. I had one very specific ‘must’ on my wish list when deciding where we would relocate our lives. I wanted to live where I can hear the bells ring. Where the telling of …
We had a dream…to buy a house in Italy and retire there one day. Shortly after we returned to Canada after two years living in Umbria, I began scouring the Italian real estate listings for houses in the Lago Trasimeno area, a short distance from the Tuscany border. It was a way to stay connected …
Italy remains one of the world’s top tourist destinations for a reason. Maybe it’s the wine, the incredible food, the rich history or treasure trove of art and culture. Maybe it’s everything. For us, Italy offers all that we find beautiful in life. And then some. I share here an article I wrote for a …